Why You Should Think About Changing Your Fulfillment Service Provider?


Incomplete contracts, the looming specter of relocation costs, and potential risks – none of these factors outweighs the importance of your reputation in the market.   

In the fast-moving world of e-commerce, where things keep changing, the need for better fulfillment services gets bigger every day. No matter how big your business is, whether you sell to other businesses or directly to consumers, or how you sell your products, it’s most important that your fulfillment provider meets your needs well. 

In this article, we’ll talk about why it’s a good idea to start thinking about switching to a new fulfillment partner. 

Choosing the Right Fulfillment Provider: What to Look For 

Previously, we prepared a checklist of questions to ask before entering into an agreement with the right fulfillment partner. Now let's talk about the signs that your current provider may not be the right fit anymore. 

Problem 1: Complaints About Delivery

Sometimes, orders go wrong, like damaged products or deliveries taking too long. If these problems keep happening and aren't getting fixed, it means there's a big issue. Continuous problems like these can make customers unhappy and give your brand a bad name. 

It's important to monitor how often these issues occur and if your fulfillment provider is working to solve them. If not, it might be time to look for a new partner to better meet your needs and keep your customers happy. 

Problem 2: Bad Stock Management Hurting Your Online Ratings

In the fast-paced world of online sales, keeping high ratings on websites where you sell is critical. To do well, you need a fulfillment partner who can store your products, track orders and inventory, pack products, and ship them out properly. This partner must be up-to-date with technology and know what they're doing. 

If your business gets a lot of orders, picking the right partner to help with these tasks is even more important. Sticking with a partner that doesn't have the tech to manage your stock well can lead to problems. You might run out of products or have too many, which can decrease your ratings on these websites. This could also mean you sell less. 

Staying with a partner that can't keep up can cost you. It's important to make sure your fulfillment partner can handle your needs well, so your online store doesn't suffer from poor stock management. 

Problem 3: The Technological Deficiencies of the Current Fulfillment Partner 

In today's market, having a fulfillment partner that uses up-to-date technology is crucial. If your current partner isn't using the latest tech and automation, it can slow down your business and lead to mistakes in keeping track of inventory and orders. Your fulfillment service should be good at: 

  1. Tracking Stock and Orders: As you get more orders, your partner should be able to keep up and accurately manage your inventory and orders. 
  2. Integration with Your Systems: It's important that your fulfillment service works well with your e-commerce platform and other systems you use, making everything run smoothly. 
  3. Smart Warehouse Management: Your partner needs a system that can look at trends and customer behavior to help predict how much stock you need, so you have just the right amount. 
  4. Efficient Shipping Management: They should have a way to figure out the best shipping option for each order, looking at things like package size, where it's going, and which shipping company does the best job. 

If your current provider is missing any of these tech features, it might be time to look for a new one that values technology, keeps up with global standards, and regularly updates their systems. This will help keep your business running smoothly and stay competitive. 

Problem 4: "I'm Not Getting Replies When I Ask for Help"

Are you having trouble talking to your fulfillment provider? It shouldn't be hard to find someone who can quickly answer your questions or fix problems. It's also not too tough to find another partner who is great at helping customers. 

Great customer service means: 

  • Fast replies. 
  • Clear updates that help you understand what's happening. 
  • Quick fixes for issues. 
  • A team that knows how to solve your problems. 
  • Services tailored to your needs. 

Furthermore, OPLOG goes the extra mile by providing "customer service in your own language" to local brands engaged in cross-border trade. This eliminates language barriers in operational processes, contributing to the success of our brands in the global market. 

Problem 5: Getting Ready for Busy Sales Times 

Handling many orders gets tricky, especially when there are sales or big shopping seasons. To keep up with orders from different places, make sure customers are happy, do everything right without mistakes, and stay ahead of other businesses, it's important to work with a partner who knows how to help you win. 

When things get busy, your partner should make sure: 

Enough people are working to take care of all the orders quickly. 

There’s enough space to keep everything that's ordered. 

Returns are easy to handle, even when there are a lot of them. 

They respond fast if there’s any bad feedback or delays. 

Focusing on these things helps everything run smoothly when you have a lot of orders, making sure your customers stay happy and your business does well. 

Problem 6: Missing Value-Added Services and Unmet Needs 

A fulfillment provider's job isn't just about getting customers; it's crucial to improve their shopping experience. Adding extra services provides more ways to connect throughout the buying process, strengthening your e-commerce brand's engagement. 

From special packaging to storage solutions, preparing bundle sets to labeling and barcoding, each step enhances your brand's identity and boosts customer loyalty. 

If your fulfillment provider overlooks the need for these extra services, your customers might start seeing your brand in a less favorable light. 

Managing these extra services well can bring big wins for your brand: 

  • Higher customer satisfaction and loyalty. 
  • Stronger brand image and reputation. 
  • Increased sales, profits, and edge over competitors. 
  • Better operational efficiency and productivity. 

Problem 7: Clear Pricing Needed 

The fulfillment pricing needs a straightforward model, combining all order fulfillment expenses into one clear shipping fee charged directly to the customer. This approach guarantees transactions include a single fee covering everything - picking, packing, shipping, materials, and labor - making invoices simple without hidden fees or detailed breakdowns.

OPLOG offers flexible storage solutions that allow you to utilize the space you need efficiently, enabling you to pay only for the space you use. With our transparent pricing model, OPLOG ensures clear and honest pricing without hidden fees. We follow a pay-as-you-use approach, free from undisclosed costs and restrictive contracts, to tailor pricing to your specific brand. This way, you can accurately anticipate your costs. 

Problem 8: "Our Storage Space Falls Short for Global Expansion" 

Venturing into global markets is thrilling yet challenging, with logistics and fulfillment hurdles at every turn. Dealing with customs, varying delivery schedules, and complex tax laws are key challenges. 

Selecting a fulfillment provider that can navigate these global market challenges is critical. 

OPLOG’s omnichannel fulfillment service lets you bypass geographical limits for both B2B and B2C orders, opening doors to new customers across three continents. Our warehouses in the UK, Germany, and the USA are your partners in global expansion. 

Problem 9: High Relocation Costs 

Are you fed up with growing complaints and constant problems with your current fulfillment provider, but worried about the high costs of moving? OPLOG has good news for you! Switch to OPLOG, a tech-smart fulfillment service, and cut down the risks linked to expensive moves. With more than 30 integrations and ten years of solid experience, trust your operations to our experts and forget your worries. Get total control and clear oversight of your operational tasks with our single platform. Enjoy quick order delivery with our worldwide delivery services and 24-hour delivery options. 

Solution: OPLOG 

  • Right from day one, our team of fulfillment experts is with you every step of the way, understanding your needs and forging a successful partnership. 
  • Our state-of-the-art fulfillment center guarantees error-free inventory management, seamlessly integrating with all major marketplaces and achieving a 99.9% accuracy rate. 
  • Your dedicated account managers ensure the safety of your brand with a swift resolution time of no more than 3 hours. 
  • Furthermore, as you smoothly transition to OPLOG with rapid integration and zero disruptions, we've got you covered by covering your relocation expenses for up to 2 trucks! 

Discover the details of our campaign and get in touch with our experienced experts for a hassle-free and speedy transition to OPLOG. 

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